Daddy's Autobiography

Part 5

(Written in 1967)









While working at the Consolidated Coal Company, there was a general strike that included another town, Jenkins, Kentucky.  All mines were shut down, and the company put guards at all critical locations, such as entrances to mines, tipples, stores and all business places as there was fear of looting.

The store manager gave another clerk and me the job of guarding the main store.  He gave us two guns apiece, one repeating shotgun apiece and two pistols.  The guns were new. 

The first night before the manager went home, he was examining the shotguns to see if they would throw the shells out; and since he wasn't doing so well, I asked him to let me try.  As I pulled the lever and extracted the shell and reloaded it, I had my finger on the trigger, and it fired into the wall.

I will never forget how the manager looked.  He was white; he looked like he was almost dead.  He ran to the front of the store to see if anyone had heard the shot.  He was afraid it would start a mob.

After we got settled and Leonard and I were alone in the store, we stayed in the main office that was built with glass.  We could view the main front of the store, but there was about seventy-five percent of the store we couldn't see; so we had to make regular trips to the basement and to the second and third floors.

After a few nights we began to get sleepy, and we would take turns watching while the other slept.  I had taken my hour of sleep, but it seemed like five minutes.  He woke me so he could sleep.  I don't think he cheated on me.  I'm sure he didn't cheat me out of a few minutes sleep.

We had to report to the main office every hour.  I didn't realize it but I dozed off to sleep, and the next thing I knew he was arousing me.  He said he heard a noise.  He said it was the side of the store where they put coal in the basement, so we got our pistols and tried to  go up to the second floor without making any noise so we could look down on the trap doors where they put the coal in for the furnace. 

Since we couldn't see anyone we decided they were already in the basement and had gone through the trap doors, we went down to the basement where there were rows of boxes of canned goods all over the basement.

We would go side by side with guns cocked around all the rows of boxes.  I can tell you for sure if a mouse had moved it wouldn't have been safe in front of those guns, for we would have shot anything that moved. 

We may not have been cut out for that job, but we were doing all our nerves would allow us to do.

End of his journal



Daddy had shared some of the things he had written with his brother, Kerney, who was still teaching at Eastern Kentucky University.  Uncle Kerney was so pleased to be reminded of their childhood and early adulthood memories that he wrote Daddy the following letter.


Dear Kelsey:

This is just a brief note to tell you that I have just read your account of your recollections of our "growing-up years."  Needless to say I have read it with pleasure, and I am impressed by the vividness of your recollections.  As I was reading this tonight, I made some notes that may suggest a few things you will want to add.

I'll send this to you after I have had time to see if I can think of some more incidents you might want to add.

Two come to mind now.  The long trek over the Black and Cumberland Mountains the time Dad, you and I drove the cattle and pigs all the way from Stonega to the old log house we lived in before moving to Stonega.  Do you remember how it had rained so hard and how much trouble we had fording the streams, arriving after dark at the home of Ira and Berle Boggs; and then going on the next day over the Cumberland Mountain; and how you and I went back to Stonega without Dad, running down the short cuts on the mountains?

Do you remember the night we slept in the loft in the old log house and became scared on hearing an owl?  We were so frightened that we called down to Uncle Prior who told us what it was.

Do you remember the time Dad was run over and dragged a great distance by a train of mining cars that brought the coal out of the mines to the tipple?

Do you remember the time our family was quarantined when Valma had scarlet fever?

Sincerely, Kerney

P.S.  I enjoyed the humor in your remarks about the beautiful girl whom you met a long time ago and lost no time getting acquainted with her and your comment that now after thirty years you two are still married and acquainted.



If you have already visited Daddy's page, you may have read the following testimony that he penned in addition to his "biography."  If you haven't read it yet, please continue looking into his heart below.



Daddy's Testimony

Jesus said, "it is expedient that I go away.  If I go I will pray the Father to send you another Comforter which is the Holy Ghost.  He will guide you in all truth."

Jesus is no longer here.

Jesus said, "In my Father's house are many mansions.  Jesus said, There are many mansions in heaven.  If it were not so I would have told you so."

Today is the day of salvation.  You are living in it and one of those mansions.

I am in the world but not of the world.

I have been born again.  I am a new creature in Christ Jesus.  All things have become new.  The things I used to love, I now hate; the things I used to hate, I now love.

My Father's house covers all.

If I could get positive assurance from God that I could make it through, I would get down on my hands and knees and crawl from here to Scott County, Virginia where I was at a meeting and received the experience of Eternal Life, if I could get one more experience just like I received, through any of weather.

And this thought flashed through me:  I would be willing to be as though I had never been born if by this means it would cause come person to receive Eternal Life that didn't have a chance of receiving Eternal Life.

I know that God does not require anything like this.

This experience was in 1929.

See below for links to all Installments.

Installment 1

Installment 2

Installment 3

Installment 4

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