Kelsey Adams Family

Guest Book Page
Site Index

We do appreciate your visit and hope you
will leave us a note in our guest book so we
will know you came by.
hope you enjoyed your visit and will come again soon.
Thank you for visiting!

Guest Book may have a spam guard to prevent
porno advertisers, etc. from posting their
messages and ads. Visit one of our guest books by clicking below.
We hope you will come again, soon! |
Please Note:
Due to an overwhelming amount of spam in our original
guest book, we have had to close it. Before we
closed it, we copied all the nice comments of our
visitors who signed it and have included them in a new
page for
'history.' We appreciate all of our visitors,
especially those of you who took time to sign our guest
book to let us know you came by. Enjoy the music
and the cute blue bird while viewing our old guest book.
here to view our old guest book entries.

Guest Book No. 1

Guest Book No. 2

Visit Delores' Web Sites

Rose by 
Music by Bruce DeBoer
Kelsey Adams Family